There are many ways to help

Transform Our Future

Your gift will help create a transformational solution to address the environmental challenges facing our region, catalyzing life-changing impact for wildlife and people alike.

Please Donate

By giving to Our Legacy Campaign, you are helping to build the future Aquarium and Conservation Center, ensuring a brighter future for the Indian River Lagoon, our coastal estuaries, native wildlife and the health of our planet for the future. Thank you for making your tax-deductible gift today!

We would like to recognize all those who have already given so much.

Your contributions are appreciated. See all of our supporters.


Please Spread the Word

Thirty years ago, over 16,000 people came together to design and construct Brevard Zoo, making it the largest volunteer build in the world. This type of incredible spirit, drive and investment of time and effort by our dedicated community is necessary to make our second campus, the Aquarium and Conservation Center, a reality.